Psychological Safety Team Scanning

Anonymous, Data-driven, Measurable

Do you know if you and your team are making progress? Do you know that the programs you invest in are taking you closer to your goal or do they make things worse? If your answer is no or not sure, then it’s time to scan your team.

The Team Psychological Safety Team Scanning is for you and your organisation to quantify and analyze your team based on their psychological safety and motivational drivers. It only takes 5 minutes and is done anonymously to ensure privacy and confidentiality. The result is easily interpreted so you can take targeted action to develop an effective team dynamic that leads to success.

Big dot: team position, small dots: team members positions
What you will get:
  • The result is anonymous to insure privacy and confidentiality
  • Visualisation where your team sits in the quadrant.
  • Full report that gives you insights on why your team dynamic is where it is and the position of each individual while still respecting their privacy and confidentiality.
  • 60-minutes report debrief with Growth Zone licensed practitioner, Wieke Gur.
Why You Need It

Since the pandemic, hybrid working arrangements present a parallel increase in managerial complexity. Leaders face the same work challenges they’ve managed in the past, with the added challenge of maintaining team effectiveness among people who can’t be counted on to be present at predictable times. Psychological safety has become one of the strongest proven predictors to achieve high performance in a team. This Psychological Safety Team Scanning will help you identify where your team is and why. Based on the result, you can intentionally respond and take targeted action to develop an effective team dynamic that leads to success; to bring the team to, or to maintain the team to stay in, the Growth Zone

Psychological safety is not physical comfort. It is “a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking,” according to Amy C. Edmondson, author of The Fearless Organization. It’s not a “nice to have” but it’s a “must have”.