Australia Indonesia Engagement

Intercultural Competence

Despite being close neighbours, Australia Indonesia engagement are less close as partners. Both sides have been struggling with the conflicting value systems of local, national and corporate cultures. Communication breakdown happens so often. Acknowledging the differences is the first step, because if you manage and serve people, believing that they are like you, it’s going to backfire.

Our Coaching Program

The coaching program is designed to turn confusion and struggle into direction. This Australia Indonesia Engagement coaching will involve few steps from an awareness of their own country value, individual natural strengths to more constructive habits to empower and engage self and others. It includes:

  • Objective Definition: Define and clarify the objective of the relationship engagement. Each coaching session will focus on the specific priorities, concerns and challenges.
  • Culture Awareness (Australian & Indonesian culture): Why do we need to know Australian culture as an Australian and vice versa? Because “A fish only discovers its need for water when it is no longer in it. Our own culture is like water for the fish. It sustains us. We live and breathe through it.” (Fons Trompenaars)
  • Self Awareness:  Getting to know yourself. Culture is not who we are. It’s what we are used to. There’s a big difference there. If you dig deeper, then you realize that there are different personality types within a smaller cultural group. If you are an Australian, you might feel that your values are not 100% Australian. You may find an Indonesian who are more Australian than you are and vice versa.
  • Gaps Identification: At this stage we will be able to identify the gaps between you and your own country, you and other country in terms of value, perception and common sense.
  • Skills Development: The programs will introduce the global skill of code switching to successfully leverage cultural differences. At the end of the program, you will be able to identify specific strategies to code switch in order to maximize your effectiveness and achieve results.
  • Feedback & Improvement (optional): We always recommend a follow up session after the assignment. In this session the leaders will recognize what they have accomplished so far, the progress they have made, and what needs to be improved.

Who Is This Program for?

This program is for everyone who is looking at engaging, building and maintaining the relationship between Australia and Indonesia from both countries:

  • Business people
  • Government Agencies
  • Non-Government Organisations
  • Universities
  • etc.

Contact us for a comprehensive consulting services and customized in-person training.