Growth happens when cognitively diverse and motivated people work toward a specific goal in a psychologically safe environment. There are four states based on those three factors and the ability to measure them is essential to finding out what and how to optimize.
The highest level of growth happens in a psychologically safe, motivating and cognitively diverse environment, so knowing how your team or organisation scores on those 3 invisible forces is crucial to find out in which of the 4 stages of growth or decline they are.
There 3 invisible forces that make or break a team are:
- Psychological safety – a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking, learning and contributing
- Motivational Drive – the desire to learn, contribute and get things done
- Cognitive Diversity – the ability to see a situation from different perspectives
The ability to measure, visualise and optimise all the 3 invisible forces is the key to creating high-performing, innovative and sustainable teams.
Growth Zone program is an ICF accredited tool for you and your organisation to quantify and analyze your team based on their psychological safety and motivational drivers. It only takes 5 minutes and is done anonymously to ensure privacy and confidentiality. The result is easily interpreted so you can take targeted action to develop an effective team dynamic that leads to success.